How can a business find the right cloud ERP partner?
By Ken Jacobsen on October 7, 2015
When implemented properly, cloud-deployed ERP solutions are very beneficial to small-business operations.
Should a business create an ERP data warehouse?
By Ken Jacobsen on September 27, 2015
Information has become a critical tool and companies that don’t put data to work are going to be at a disadvantage.
Does your company have a good internal perspective ahead of ERP implementation?
By Ken Jacobsen on September 17, 2015
Every company, whether it’s already reached a particularly high level of efficiency or is trying to make changes to do so, has short-term and long-term needs.
Do you know your staff well enough for a successful ERP implementation?
By Ken Jacobsen on August 9, 2015
The financial, technical and performance considerations that come into play when a business is considering the implementation of new enterprise resource planning software often rise to the top.
Getting more out of a new business software implementation
By Ken Jacobsen on July 28, 2015
Business software has a wide variety of uses.
Is your ERP implementation team set up for success?
By Ken Jacobsen on April 2, 2015
Getting an enterprise resource planning solution up and running is a major undertaking.
2 tips to get more out of an ERP system
By Ken Jacobsen on March 8, 2015
Enterprise resource planning software fulfills a lot of different roles in terms of performing valuable functions automatically for businesses.
How to hit the ground running, ERP implementation tips
By Ken Jacobsen on February 10, 2015
When organizations begin the task of seeking out and integrating an enterprise resource planning solution, there’s a very clear need for strategy.
Encouraging participation with a new ERP system
By Ken Jacobsen on January 6, 2015
Enterprise resource planning systems are powerful, but they don’t do the work that employees are best suited to perform.
Understanding and diagramming internal needs ahead of ERP implementation
By Ken Jacobsen on December 30, 2014
Implementing enterprise resource planning software requires the business that wants the system and their ERP partner to engage in frequent communication about issues ranging from employee training to module selection for adding specific functionality.