As more offices are going paperless, they are turning to solutions like ERP software to meet their record keeping needs. Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 comes complete with a variety of new features to make storing and sorting through past documents as simple as can be. One such new resource is the all-in-one document viewer.
The all-in-one document viewer
According to Discover Dynamics ERP, this new feature enables users to easily view past purchase orders. The Procurement Sense advice column stated it is an important business practice to use and keep purchase orders. It helps maintain a healthy relationship with vendors. Calling upon details and specifics of past orders could influence communication strategies with sellers. Having the information from past transactions could also ease payment practice changes and facilitate company growth.
The all-in-one document viewer is a newly designed window that allows businesses to view all relevant documents on a single screen. The window can be accessed through the home page, navigation lists or a variety of other windows. Once selected, your company’s purchase orders will display five at time. It will start with the most recent purchases but then you can scroll through previous entries.
Features that make viewing easier
Business News Daily listed the ability to find documents as the first advantage of paperless technology. The Microsoft Dynamics GP all-in-one viewer comes with a variety of features to help make finding the purchase orders you are looking for even easier.