March 13, 2015 Ken Jacobsen

ClickDimensions: Email and Marketing Automation

ClickDimensions: Email and Marketing Automation

ClickDimensions allows an organization to learn more about their prospects as they visit their website by showing what content interests them and to easily capture information about them through web forms. It also embeds email marketing into Microsoft Dynamics CRM and links to leads, contacts, campaigns, marketing lists, and more. It also features surveys built into CRM. Tying landing pages to CRM marketing campaigns is easy, and can even trigger workflow from form submissions, file downloads or a lead’s general web activity. This enables sales to get an idea before they call a lead of what they may be interested. ClickDimensions’ lead and contact profiles show their score as well as their activities and the social discovery function also provides information to help understand them and tailor your message.

Visit the ClickDimensions: Email and Marketing Automation website