Microsoft Dynamics User Conference Vision 2015

Spring is a glorious time in Michigan and is the perfect time to host Vision 2015, The TM Group’s 15th annual all-day Microsoft Dynamics User Conference. This is the oldest conference event of its kind for Microsoft Dynamics clients in the entire Microsoft Dynamics partner community. Vision is designed to provide a forum of in-depth learning, sharing and relationship building for those using Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Dynamics SL. Attendance for Vision in 2013 was over 300 clients, prospects and sponsors.
This year’s Vision Microsoft Dynamics User Conference will be at Suburban Collection Showcase in Novi, Michigan on Tuesday, May 12, 2015. You can visit their website by clicking here to view the photo gallery and learn more about this exciting venue. Vision 2015 will be held in multiple conference room locations within this beautiful facility, which is complete with audio-visual facilities, and is WiFi accessible. With a hotel as part of the facility, this year will be very convenient for our sponsors for whom we have reserved a large block of rooms. This is the perfect venue in which to showcase the exciting information we have for clients this year.
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