How Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales can solve some of your office’s greatest challenges

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales (formerly Microsoft Dynamics CRM), is a dynamic solution that large businesses can use to solve some of their greatest challenges. Here are three problems corporations face and how Microsoft Dynamics 365’s CRM components can help manage them:
1. Lack of communications
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales can solve many frustrating internal and external communication problems. Sure, employees in today’s business world have a number of devices at their disposal to contact colleagues and clients. However, that’s also the problem!
An advanced CRM solution can synchronize departments, allowing employees greater access to an ever increasing amount of information from call logs, emails, appointments and other customer exchanges.
Don’t underestimate just how damaging poor communication can be to a workplace. The Houston Chronicle noted that it can decrease morale and innovation, and lower efficiency. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales works with Microsoft Outlook and syncs tasks, appointments and contacts, allowing employees to take part in every movement within the company. In turn, they’re better able to do their jobs.
2. Rigid operations and processing
Many employees likely feel that it takes too much time to obtain the information needed to close a sale or obtain approval for a project. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales solves this problem by allowing employees to work more efficiently and quickly.
Microsoft Dynamics offers a multi-faceted CRM and ERP platform that is integrated into every area of a business, whether it’s sales, marketing, warehouse processing and other services, giving employees a bird’s-eye view of all business events in real time. This kind of access can help them close a deal or project faster before the client moves on to a competitor.
3. Poor customer service
Keeping track of not only what is said but how it’s said to is paramount to retaining and gaining new customers. Upper management can also look at records and compare them to a customer’s statement, allowing for quicker and more accurate assessment of a customer situation.
Keep in mind the amount of time someone waits plays a significant role in their overall satisfaction, as noted in a study published in the Journal of Consumer Behavior. Researchers broke up the total wait time in any service situation into pre-process (waiting in line to make an order), in-process (gives order and pays) and post-process (waits for their order to be ready).
The results showed the pre-process cycle has the greatest influence on people’s perception. And while the study may only be discussing customers in physical circumstances (waiting in line for a coffee), this line of thinking could extend to other areas of business like calling customer service about a product shipment.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales can help reduce wait time and improve customer happiness.