Microsoft Dynamics CRM makes acquisition for superior Web portal performance

Microsoft Dynamics CRM offers businesses the tools they need to keep their customers happy and attract new clients. The software features help companies access customer data, create informed marketing materials and analyze audience interactions with promotional content. The data processes generated by a centralized customer information system allow an organization to keep track of its consumers’ needs and preferences. A recent acquisition by Microsoft aims to add features that will allow businesses to satisfy self-sufficient customers.
Microsoft acquires Adxstudio Inc.
CIO Reported Microsoft acquired Adxstudio Inc., a web portal management company, to improve the functionality of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Adxstudio was a Microsoft partner before the purchase, so the integration of technologies should be relatively simple. Business web portals already work with the Dynamics CRM app and updated features provide users with improved online engagement capabilities and application lifecycle tools.
The new Dynamics CRM web portal updates include a dependency checker that grants users complete visibility of dependencies so they can remove unnecessary materials from processes. The Auto Numbering Workflow Helper gives employees the ability to create an automatic number label for custom CRM entities. These portals come with pre-built engagement solutions to assist companies in interactions with business partners, IT support and consumers.
Microsoft said the CRM Web portals create an optimal platform for businesses to communicate with customers online. The centralized information source gives consumers a chance to use customer service features themselves. The improvement of self-service was one of the primary goals of the technology acquisition.
A recent Forrester study found most consumers with questions and concerns like to find answers themselves. The study discovered 72 percent of online customers prefer reading information on business websites to contacting a company through the phone or email. People living in the information age expect data to be readily available and find it a hassle when they have to involve outside parties in their initial inquiries. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web portals designed in conjunction with Adxstudio can create the data resource modern audiences demand.
An intelligent Web portal
A Web portal is an online source of centralized information. Companies can use a Web portal to share data from numerous operations with their customers in order to answer their questions and provide them with insight into the organization. CRM solutions offer businesses the ability to build web portal content out of real-time data. Customers never have to worry the information displayed on the source is out of date or no longer applicable.
CRM software outfitted with analytical tools can drill down into the customer information it collects and find the data most important to online audiences. EWeek reported Microsoft acquired NetBreeze in 2013 to improve Dynamics CRM’s ability to analyze social media content. Modern Dynamics CRM software can capture audience engagement details from popular sites like Facebook and Twitter to gain a better understanding of current consumers.
Knowing what online audiences look for from business educational materials means companies won’t waste resources on creating useless content. A focused Web portal makes it easier for customers to find the information they want, without sifting through tons of irrelevant materials. If a customer does call or email a company, a complete Web portal prevents the interaction from beginning in frustration because the consumer couldn’t find the basic resources he or she wanted.
Microsoft prioritizes technological advances and acquisitions to provide its clients with solutions to create the best customer service intelligent processes can facilitate. Web portals designed using Microsoft Dynamics CRM will provide consumers with answers to questions before they have time to ask them.