Microsoft Dynamics NAV facilitates and measures success of new products

Innovation becomes more popular as consumers seek diversity and products with particular performance. TechCrunch reported the big draws at the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show wasn’t the major brands, but rather small startups developing original home and entertainment devices to solve modern dilemmas. As more companies begin manufacturing unique merchandise, Microsoft introduces ERP software specifically designed to meet the needs of every organization requiring ERP solutions to measure market demand and monitor internal processes.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV has the intuitive interface, workflow features and mobility to track the success of new ideas. Making decisions informed by accurate data and maintaining visibility through centralized ERP solutions is essential to launching a product in the proper information environment.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV helps innovators
It takes more than a great idea to make a new product a success. Manufacturers that plan to introduce an item into their production line or startups looking to bring innovative merchandise to the market need to carefully create an infrastructure ready to respond to success or setbacks.
Sometimes making a creative product is just a matter of looking at things in a new way. While most food manufacturers produce energy bars in square or rectangular shapes, Bounce Foods decided to give spheres a spin. A Microsoft customer case study detailed how the company used Microsoft Dynamics NAV to facilitate the introduction of Bounce energy balls, a healthy product with a fun design.
A few of the features that Bounce employees liked best about Microsoft Dynamics NAV included a streamlined interface design that greeted users with a color-coded list of activities that needed attention. ERP integration with Office 365 and PDF functionality helped managers and workers share files internally and with outside partners. The company preferred using tablets when meeting with clients and investors so the mobile performance was perfect for sharing reports and capturing data while interacting in-person.
Keep success positive
It may be hard to gauge how consumers will respond to a product they’ve never seen before. Focus group data and similar research practices can give manufacturers initial insight, but the key to innovative operations is being ready to respond to surprises. When sales aren’t what was expected, real-time data lets decision-makers evaluate plans and launch backup strategies.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV also help companies prepare for success. Open Forum said many small companies suffer setbacks when new products prove more popular than they imagined. Proper business intelligence forecasting can help with anticipation and complete data visibility ensures businesses don’t extend beyond capabilities. As orders pour in, Microsoft Dynamics users can reference internal information in a centralized source to make sure they have the resources and manufacturing capabilities to fulfill initial promises.
At the same time, a complete record of manufacturing and warehouse operations is critical to overcoming early problems. TechTarget said properly implemented IT systems are necessary for responding to product mistakes that make it to market. A complete data trail allows companies to backtrack processes and communicate with regulators and customers. Also, cloud-deployed security provided by an ERP partner can help less tech-savvy companies protect sensitive information involving unique production schematics.
Upgrades with your business
At the end of the Microsoft testimonial video, Bounce Foods COO Gary Smith said one of the best parts of his company’s Microsoft Dynamics NAV implementation was the simplicity. The ERP solution integrates with many existing legacy systems and provides flexibility and scalability for manufacturers of any size.
By working with a cloud-deployed software solution and an ERP consultant, companies receive implementation strategies and automatic upgrades. When Introducing a new product to consumers, companies must measure costs, productivity and customer reaction. Microsoft Dynamics NAV helps companies respond to early challenges and serves as an ongoing solution ready to expand with the company.