Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Spring Wave offers optimal service solution

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Spring Wave enhances field services, project management, and community engagement with cloud and mobile solutions.
Business is never stagnant, so Microsoft strives to design and release CRM solutions able to meet the demands of expanding enterprises and mobile employees. In the recent announcement for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Spring Wave, Jujhar Singh, General Manager of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, described how the new features for project management, field services and community engagement work with cloud-deployed platforms and mobile technology.
“Advances in the cloud and intelligence are making possible new capabilities and scenarios that not only help companies adapt their customer engagement to the digital era, but also use that engagement to secure and expand their business.” Singh said.
The Spring Wave includes integration of new acquisitions, streamlined displays and automated processes, so employees – especially those out performing services or accomplishing projects – receive the business software solutions they need. As more companies adopt service activities into their normal responsibilities, the functionality available through the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM becomes more critical to complete visibility and efficiency.
Field services
Microsoft Dynamics CRM has long been a favorite option for offices. Now, the company wants to be the optimal choice for field service data collection, management and analysis. VentureBeat suggested the service functionality provided through Microsoft’s acquisition of FieldOne technology will give it a competitive edge in the CRM market. The new features available through the CRM system’s cloud-deployed mobile performance will allow users to schedule, manage and deliver on-site service.
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Spring Wave offers an end-to-end solution, starting with initial case management and providing visibility through service call completion. Field techs and managers can pass information back and forth about service cases so every stakeholder can see the complete picture. For example, new time scheduling features allow employees to reserve time outside the work order using detached schedule support.
Managers can now easily match the service requirements to the company’s available resources. Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows leaders to create characteristics and proficiency ratings for each field agent. When planning a project, managers can match tasks to employees with the appropriate skills and effectively deploy their workforce.
Computerworld discussed how the Internet of Things played a part in the CRM solution’s design. Many of the products or programs that require service can connect online and communicate when they need attention, repair or updates. Microsoft Dynamics CRM will take advantage of IoT and other modern data sources to create real-time case profiles to anticipate consumer needs and stay ahead of schedule demands.
Community engagement portals
While employees are out performing tasks, they can use their mobile device and Microsoft Dynamics CRM to check on their schedules and manage the data most critical to them. The Spring Wave integrates Adxstudio features to provide portals for consumers, employees and business partners.
The cloud makes it easy to share data and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 portals provide ways for different outside users to gain access to CRM solutions. Customers can view their own information about histories with a product or service provider, thus eliminating needless care center interactions. A Forrester study found self-service will be a major trend for companies in 2016, so every business – no matter the size – has to find ways to provide customers with easy answers they can find on their own.
A community portal helps businesses share documents with partners. This can provide better insight on work order requirements and overall financial resources. Companies can also provide a platform for feedback from any invested party.
Guided navigation
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Spring Wave features mobile enhancements aimed to improve the display of important order details and multiple documents. No matter how efficient and intelligent tools might be, it’s important end users can access the information easily and in a manner that’s convenient to them.
To that end, Microsoft Dynamics CRM has guided navigation capabilities. By working with a CRM consultant, companies can create guided tasks personalized for particular users based on their role in the organization or other important context details. Creating unique automated workflows helps companies maintain productivity.
The guided navigation also makes it easier for new users to acclimate to the new technology and data processes. A company should find a CRM partner willing to work with their particular needs, so CRM implementation works with existing daily routines and can adapt to expanding service responsibilities.